Lean Into It

Have you ever felt your life needed a change but didn't know how (or were too afraid of change) to go about making the necessary choices to enact a new phase of your life? Change is scary. It's when we face the unknown that we begin to really learn more about ourselves. In an attempt to undergo some meaningful changes in my own life, I've tried to better understand the psychological process involved during a monumental shift in one's life.

The one thing which has stuck with me throughout my own, personal ordeal has been the ease with which it can be to effect change. As the title of this blog post suggests: Lean into it.

By that, I simply mean when you are faced with choices, regardless of the situation, choosing one over the other may be difficult. So, try to look at the options as objectively as possible and lean toward the elements which resonate with you. Once you have a better idea of what fits into your sphere of potential reality, you'll be better equipped to make the choice, or rather, you will have leaned into the direction you truly wanted.

When you lean in one direction enough, you will begin to automatically lean in the same direction more often. It becomes easier to make certain choices, the more you make others in a similar regard. And, once you've been leaning in one direction for long enough, your life's path will, inevitably, change. So, you see, it's not as daunting to make big changes in your life as one might think.

Dwelling on the "what-ifs" is probably the biggest hold up for so many in this type of position. That's why, when taking smaller actions and leaning into decisions, rather than jumping into a massive alteration, it will become easier to make the desired changes. When the fear of the unknown prevents you from living freely, it's time to consider leaning in another direction. That fear can be incapacitating and possibly push one to make choices they otherwise wouldn't have made. Take control of your own destiny and understand that the power lies within yourself.

It's as simple as this: If you are depressed, stressed, anxious, etc... lean into the positive opportunities in life. I'm not talking about volunteering at the local shelter (though that's awesome if you're up for it) or becoming a missionary overseas. No, I mean the tiniest, little chance happenings we face in our daily lives. Help your neighbor. Tell a kid a joke. Let someone in front of you in traffic. Leaning into these positive actions will lead to a more positive life and you will see your outlook on life begin to change.

It works in reverse too! When you begin to feel the cloud moving over you (you know what I mean), lean as hard as you can in the opposite direction. Remember and hold onto all the positivity in which you've begun immersing yourself and fight back the negative with leaning back into the positive. You can keep it at bay. Just lean into love!


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