The Witches of Andar- Book Trailer; by Ashlie Harris

Justine is a spitfire. She’s grown from a young, innocent woman in love with her handsome prince into a powerful enchantress to be reckoned with! There is a darkness spreading across the land and only The Witches of Andar can turn the tide... Justine and her friends, through stealth, ingenuity, and one peculiar spell, risk it all to end Duke Ebrius’ otherworldly hold on the throne. Will they succeed? Or will the Duke claim yet another victim?
My characters definitely have minds of their own. Justine was so sweet and innocent in the first book. Now, she’s like an entirely new person! She demanded to have her story told, and there was no stopping it. One place in the story this is reflected is in her relationship with Eleyna. Without giving any spoilers- as soon as I created Eleyna’s character, I knew there was going to be a strong bond between her and Justine. Sure enough, the story unfolded at their will. There were many surprises in store for me as I wrote both The Witches of Andar and Justine’s Judgement, including Alice’s whole… situation. I suppose we’ll see where Alice and Jehren are heading in book 3...


  1. Helped alpha this, know its amazing, a must read!

    1. Thanks, Mason!!! You were a wonderful Alpha reader!


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