There were tiny people in the stoplights...

As children, we saw the world through a completely different lens. We were naive and fanciful dreamers, full of big ideas and plans for the future. We were going to be astronauts, ballerinas, and rockstars. We were going to buy candy bars whenever we wanted and, of course, we knew everything about everything and exactly how the world worked. It wasn't until we got older, when we finally realize, Life Sucks. It's hard and messy and more difficult than we'd ever anticipated. But, we figured it out. We have jobs and we pay our bills and, yes, every so often we DO buy a candy bar whenever we want. But, we're still learning. Those misconceptions we had as children are still revealing their true forms and shocking people to their inner core everyday. What's interesting is, these are the smallest things of which you or I, knowing how they truly work, would never have given them a second thought. But, to that one individual who had a completely different reality, it's earth-shattering. Here are a few of those, more uncommon ones I've found:

  • "I thought all of your bills came from one person. When it was time to pay up, you would simply write a check or hand over the cash. (I'm still wondering why it's NOT like that?)" -Facebook User

  • "As a kid, I used to believe that your body somehow knew the time you got married and therefore automatically made you pregnant after (exact words I thought). I didn’t know that any kind of sexual activity was involved. When my mother became pregnant with my younger sister, I remember arguing and getting so mad about this and telling her she was wrong and I was right (she kept saying no and couldn’t stop laughing)."

  • "When I was a kid, I thought that, when it rained, it rained all over the world." -Anon

  • "I thought the smokestacks from the factories in my city were literally making the clouds." -Facebook User

  • "When I was a kid, I thought vegetarian and lesbian were the same thing." -Twitter @Ghaaast

  • "I thought the black market was an actual marketplace with stalls and people would come and go to buy illegal things." -Reddit @kyle8998

  • "There were tiny little people in the stoplights. When enough cars went by, they'd all work together to change the lights. Like a Borrowers construction team... " -Me

  • "The first time my grandma asked if I wanted to go 'yard sailing', I was excited and confused, imagining a huge sailboat, gliding gracefully across people's front lawns." -Me

  • "I also once thought that cheesecake was, like, birthday cake with Velveeta melted over the top and couldn't understand why ANYONE would want to eat that." -Facebook User

  • "My Mum would say "that darn cat is flying around the house again". I would walk around trying to catch a glimpse of my cat flying in the house." -Facebook User

These are just a few I happened upon or which were sent to me. I hope you enjoyed this and thinking about your own childhood misconceptions. Let me know what they were in the comments!


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