
Showing posts from April, 2018

Walk the walk

Never will I state that I am the ideal, model human being. I, like any other human being, have my faults. Contrary to the view some of my posts might project, I am not resentful or angry at the wealthy. I am not bitter or disgusted by those who like nice things or hold grudges. Admittedly, to err is to be human. I can accept that. I have learned many lessons due to the error of my ways. I've made the wrong choices, said the wrong things, and hurt people I love.  But, I also believe in what I say now. Anyone, at any time, can change. It's wonderfully liberating when you accept this and apply it to your life. You don't have to throw away all of your belongings and live the life of a monk. All I ask of my fellow human beings is, whatever you're doing, try a little extra to help another person, every day, in whatever way you can. That in itself will encourage others to pass along the mutual happiness and love. Do this and, I promise, you will see a difference in the wa...

There were tiny people in the stoplights...

As children, we saw the world through a completely different lens. We were naive and fanciful dreamers, full of big ideas and plans for the future. We were going to be astronauts, ballerinas, and rockstars. We were going to buy candy bars whenever we wanted and, of course, we knew everything about everything and exactly how the world worked. It wasn't until we got older, when we finally realize, Life Sucks. It's hard and messy and more difficult than we'd ever anticipated. But, we figured it out. We have jobs and we pay our bills and, yes, every so often we DO buy a candy bar whenever we want. But, we're still learning. Those misconceptions we had as children are still revealing their true forms and shocking people to their inner core everyday. What's interesting is, these are the smallest things of which you or I, knowing how they truly work, would never have given them a second thought. But, to that one individual who had a completely different reality, it's e...